Plants in apartments?

Plants can make or break an apartment. Take it from me who is trying to make my cave-looking apartment into the boho home of my dreams. I understand fake plants are way easier to put into a corner and forgot about it, but there is just such a nice sense of satisfaction of being able to watch your baby plant grow.

On the other hand, it also sucks to see it suffer, especially when you don't know what is wrong. I remember reading and scouring through multiple articles to find out exactly what was wrong with my orchid. Eventually, I thought, since it had been in a room where it never got direct sunlight, I can't just put it in a window with sun all the time. Currently, my orchid is happy in a window-sill with partial sunlight.

My dream plant would have to be a monstera deliciosa. Once I can buy one and have enough room for it I can be happy with my plant journey and keep taking care of my babies. Currently, I have a bunch of succulents, an orchid, and a spider plant. A nice mix of greens and a flowering one as well. I am very envious of the plants in my parents home. My mom has beautiful ivy plants that are bushy and seem like something straight out of a jungle. She also has the luxury of an outside garden and it is her pride and joy. Hopefully, when I grow up I can have plants as nice as hers!

Comment down below what your dream plant is!

Apartments kind of suck at times if they don't get enough natural sunlight. My apartment right now is a cave basically, where no matter how many blinds I open, not enough light comes in. It maybe could also be due to the fact it is more 'modern' and 'factory' like with the pipes coming out of the ceiling. It is black, the whole ceiling is black. I am a believer of white walls because it brightens up a room but I wasn't so lucky.

This fact makes keeping plants very hard due to the fact that I don't get enough light. Once again this is why I got easy to care for plants that I knew I could maintain. I enjoy plants and know that any future apartments I have will have to have a minimum of 2 plants per room depending on the room size. Plants in apartments help purify the air and also bring different colors into it as well.

Next post will have what kind of plants function well in a low-light apartment!


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